Support Public Broadcasting

Let me talk a little bit about television, specifically PBS programming. I like watching Public television, documentaries such as The Civil War, The American Buffalo, Baseball, The National Parks and biographies, such as Hemingway and Julius Caesar and nature/science programs such as NOVA and America Outdoors, my list could go on and on including programs on health, music, food and educational programming for adults and children not to mention the vast array of drama, comedy and other genres available. This Public television broadcasting is in jeopardy of being lost because of the conservatives initiative to Defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Defunding the CPB would essentially bankrupt Public Television and Radio broadcasting. Local WOJB radio station receives funding from the CPB to support operating costs and programming. The strategy to defund the CPB is outlined in Project 2025 in The Mandate for Leadership playbook on pages 246-248. A few pages unscrupulously tucked into 900 plus pages of a “playbook” designed to strip away many freedoms and fundamental rights we as citizens of this nation are entitled to. The Conservatives argue that it is too costly and left oriented for the American People to be burdened with the cost of supporting Public Broadcasting through federal funding. The truth is in 2023 the federal government funded the CPB $475 million and with 163 million taxpayers paying federal income tax in 2023 that is equivalent to about $2.91 per taxpayer in 2023 to receive Public broadcasting. ‘The Mandate’ states many programs would still “thrive” due to corporations and foundations still funding the broadcasters. However, where does that leave me?  Or You?  What isn’t clearly stated or divulged is that many urban stations will remain but the rural stations will likely be shut down, leaving rural citizens without, yet once again.The alternative put forth by “the Mandate” also says that Sesame Street will still be available because it is profitable and would be ‘picked up by a buyer’ as it is currently on HBO because of its profitability. Profitability being a keyword. Why pay cable or satellite costs per month at high rates when we already get great programming for about $2.91 per year. I for one cannot afford cable or satellite so for now I hope the PBS electromagnetic waves keep reaching my antenna.

Burnett County Resident